In the event that you are not quite tech-savvy or if you have never managed a hosting server, you might have some difficulties in particular scenarios when you need to manage a virtual or a dedicated server. Because each and every standalone hosting machine has its own Os and various programs and processes going, you shall most likely come across different challenges such as a frozen process or one that's loading the machine substantially. With a shared internet hosting account all these things are handled by the provider, but this is not the case when you use a hosting machine of your own, thus you have to resolve the issues yourself. In case you don't have the knowledge or the time to take care of this kind of matters, you might consider the Managed Services upgrade that we offer. Amongst other things, it includes 24/7 monitoring of your hosting machine and the processes going on it, so in case anything happens, our admins can resolve the problem and restart the hosting server to recover its proper functioning.
Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS Servers
You are able to use our service with each of the plans that we offer as the Managed Services package could be added to any VPS server and at any moment. Not only can our admins keep track of what goes on with your Virtual private server, but they'll also uncover what the reason for a certain issue was before they reboot it. In case a process isn't responding, a service if off for some reason or some app starts taking an excessive amount of processing time or physical memory, they shall react straight away and will do everything that's necessary to restore the proper functioning of your websites. A number of automated checks for different system services will also be activated for the Virtual private server, so you will not need to pay lots of money to other companies for monitoring services, specially having in mind that they can notify you about an issue, but cannot do anything about it. With our tracking service you are able to save not just capital, but also valuable time.
Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers
Adding the Managed Services package to your dedicated server plan is as basic as clicking a button on the order page or inside your billing Cp and so long as the service is enabled, our system administrators will monitor all system processes on your machine 24/7 as to make certain that everything is functioning the way it should. An automated system will notify them as soon an issue presents itself, so they can troubleshoot it to determine what caused it and will then resolve it in no time. Frozen processes, software components that have shut down or applications which employ a lot of physical memory are merely a few examples of the things our skilled team will look for and resolve. A third-party monitoring business can only inform you that there's some problem with a particular system service, but they'll lack the means to do anything about it since they will not be able to access your machine.